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Lady Lane Park School
and Nursery


The Lady Lane Park PTA do a Fantastic Job

Our PTA, The Friends of Lady Lane, is run by a voluntary committee of dedicated parents whose children are throughout the school. We benefit hugely from their annual events such as:

  • Spring Fair
  • Summer Ball
  • Halloween Parties
  • Christmas Fair
  • Annual Discos

The work of The Friends of Lady Lane aims to enhance the school life of all children in the school by providing those little extras for the children to make their time at Lady Lane the more memorable.

The Friends of Lady Lane have so far provided for the school:

  • New play equipment for Early Years.
  • Interactive whiteboards and projectors.
  • Sporting equipment for our Netball, Rounders, Rugby and Football teams.

All families within school are automatically enrolled in the PTA and anyone can help out or join the committee at any time during the year. Please enquire at the School Office for more information.